It is a ravine eroded by the action of weathering and shaped by river waters. From the landscaping point of view, it is a beautiful canyon, just as others seen in different parts of the world, with a big monolith which reminds a little of those in Monument Valley, USA.
However, what makes this valley unique are the findings made in the area, thanks to which the Gorge is considered the cradle of humankind.
Extremely important remains have been uncovered here, among which are those of some of our ancestors, from the earliest until the Australopithecus boisei, and the Laetoli  footprints.
Fossils of big animals have been dug out, and also some cave incisions from millions of years ago depicting the Great Migration, witnessing the fact that this phenomenon has been taking place for the longest time.
There are a museum and a visitor centre where it is possible to learn a lot about the origins of humankind.
Several species inhabit the place, such as giraffes, leopard turtles, agamas, Grant gazelles, wildebeests and dik-diks. However, it is not the best place for animal sightings. Those who come here do it exclusively for the landscape and too deepen their knowledge of our ancestors.

The areas of Southern Serengeti

  • Triangle
  • Hidden Valley
  • Lake Ndutu
  • Kusini Plains
  • Olduvai Gorge
  • Matiti Plains and Twin Hills

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Olduvai gorge - Photo Credits: Clive Moss

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