It is possible to visit the Southern section of the Skeleton Coast Park with your own car, the road is unpaved, but generally in good condition, you need to pay a little attention in the early morning and late afternoon, when the fog rises, because this makes the road surface a bit slippery.

It is therefore possible to enter from the Ugab gate, that you meet climbing Northwards from Swakopmund and the Dorob National Parkalong the C34, or from the Springbokwasser gate that is along the C39 or D 3245, that leads into the interior of the country.

The climatic conditions of the Skeleton Coast are often challenging and the area is remote and rarely visited, so the Ministry of Environment and Tourism has established some stringent rules for accessing it and these rules are enforced rigidly.

The entrance fee can be purchased directly at one of the two gates, but it is necessary to arrive at the gate in time: it is forbidden to move around after 7.00pm, so whatever the final destination, it is necessary to take this limitation into account.

Many travelers cross this part of the Skeleton Coast traveling South or North from Swakopmund to Twyfelfonteinor to Opuwo in Damaraland; it is absolutely feasible to travel this journey in half a day, the only caution to be taken is to be attentive to schedules.

It is also possible to stay inside in this part of the Skeleton Coast Park, in fact there are two camps: Torra Bay and Terrace Bay; the first one is open only during the months of December and January, and is frequented mainly by lovers of fishing, while the second is open all year.

The Terrace Bay Camp was originally built as a miners' camp, but became property of the State when the mine failed in 1977; now here there is nothing besides this small village, that has been transformed into a Spartan lodge, but the beauty is just that: besides North of this point of the Skeleton Coast the passage is forbidden, being here is a bit like being at the end of the world.

It is usually frequented by fishermen, who can get a fishing license at the reception, and by some travelers who want to live the experience of being here.

The camp also has a small shop, that sells basic stuff and some souvenirs, a bar and a restaurant, that has the walls covered with writings and stickers of those who have come up to here, it is fun to get lost reading the various messages in all the languages of the world.

skeleton coast namibia exploringafrica SafariADV romina facchi travel safari africa

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