Herero are a population living in Namibia, they have a somewhat stingy past for the fault of German colonists who, on several occasions, tried to extort them, smacking of the first genocide in the history of humanity.
The Herero have a great knowledge of their territory and the properties of the herbs growing there; herbs that are used to practice traditional medicine, that they prefer to the detriment of modern medicine.
Today the Herero of Namibia are easily recognizable by the massive and colorful colonial dresses imposed on them by the Europeans, who, in fact, felt the skimpy traditional clothes indecent; the big horn-shaped headdresses make the Herero women unmistakable.

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Herero woman - Photo Credits: Ruro

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Aloe Littoralis - Photo Credits: Martin Heigan

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Herero woman

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Herero woman with traditional hat

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herero woman with traditional hat - Photo Credits: Jeronimo

herero woman with traditional hat

Herero woman - Photo Credits: Gustavo Jeronimo