The Luo ethnic group has a strong tradition of music, that has always been the most practiced art by this population.
Music is present at every hour of the day or night, it has always had a functional role to underline important events such as religious ceremonies, political events, festivals or sporting events.
Music is used at funerals to pay tribute to the missing person but also to console the bereaved relatives or to keep people awake at night to celebrate the ritual of waking, during which they demonstrate their anguish and suffering caused by the loss pain.
Music plays an important role during certain rituals that diviners and medicine men implement to drive away evil spirits, to invoke the rain, to heal the sick and during divination.
Even during the festivities, such as the beer festival, or on the occasion of sporting events, music plays an important role; it is critical, as much as during the courting of a girl.
The Luo use numerous musical instruments, from percussions with drums and rattles to strings instruments similar to the harp and the violin, to wind instruments made from the horns of cattle.
Together with the music even singing and dancing have a major significance.
The dance is usually elegant and graceful, the Luo use traditional costumes and ornaments that are designed to improve and make more evident the movements rather than to beautify the wearer.
Today, the Luo music is influenced by Western instruments, especially the guitar both acoustic and electric that is used by the Luo musical groups.

Life, tradition and culture of Luo people

  • Music and dances of the Luo
  • The rites, ceremonies and beliefs of the Luo
  • Marriage in the culture of the Luo population 
  • Luo's religious beliefs 
  • The funeral rites of the Luo people